Our vision:
are to provide outstanding experiences by creating inspiring guiding, meetings and event
solutions that support the client’s objectives, build a new connection locally in Japan.
are to become our client’s preferred partner and to help them connect to the
local and drive growth by offering customized and tailor-made solutions backed
by in-depth guiding and event management experience in Japan.
you need any assistant with your next project or journey to Japan?
Ayumi Deuchi
Artist, Art Producer
Artist, Art Producer
Born, raised and educated in Kyoto with national and international experience utilizing excellent bilingual liaison skills and cross cultural awareness. Ayumi was taught by her father, a Japanese designer, and in the memory of her grandfather, Kakuho. She offers cultural spirits, introducing Kyoto aesthetic style in quality, tradition and design, connecting everyone to the pleasure of art.
2020 ARTS and MORE, Gallery Kokowan, Kyoto
Nihonbashi Gallery, Tokyo
2019 JIM-NET' Art & Music shimokitazawa, Tokyo
International Exhibition at Kyoto municipal museum annex
2020 ARTS and MORE, Gallery Kokowan, Kyoto
Nihonbashi Gallery, Tokyo
2019 JIM-NET' Art & Music shimokitazawa, Tokyo
International Exhibition at Kyoto municipal museum annex
2018 Nihonbashi Gallery
Heian Shrine, Gallery Hana, Keifu, etc
Chiyoda Arts 3331
Heian Shrine, Gallery Hana, Keifu, etc
Chiyoda Arts 3331
International Arts at Heian Shrine
2017 Gallery Hana Kyoto
Higashiyama Hall
International Exhibition at Kyoto municipal museum annex
2016 Gallery Hana Kyoto
International Exhibition at Kyoto municipal museum annex
Japan-Costa Rica Exhibition at Sakuragi gallery, Tokyo
Kyoto Traditional Exhibition in Los Angeales / LA Artcore
2015 International Arts at Kyoto community center
Solo Exhibition at Mizuno Katsuhiko Photo Gallery
2014 Italian-Japanese Acquarello, Sokyo Gallery, Gion Kyoto
出内 あゆみ 画家・海外アートプロジュース
1993 大阪大学 外国語学部卒業
2014 Aquarelloイタリア展 Sokyo
Gallery 祇園
2015 雛祭り展 水野克比古写真館西陣
US-Japan Exhibition 国際交流会館 岡崎
2016 国際展 桜木画廊 東京
LA Artcore展 ロサンゼルス
Kyoto Traditional Exhibit 二人展 ロサンゼルス
コスタリカ展 国際交流会館
2017 京都新鋭日本画展 ギャラリー華
檜展 京都東山
京都芸術祭国際展 ギャラリー恵風
2018 千代田アーツ3331展
ミニアチュール展 ギャラリー恵風
日本橋展 他
2019 JIM-NET アートと音楽・下北沢
2020 美術工芸の伝統と今 日本橋ギャラリー 東京
ARTS and MORE ギャラリー胡々湾 京都
宮崎泰江 和菓子教室主催 製菓衛生師
製菓用餡会社のアンテナショップである和菓子店にて和菓子職人として勤務。2008年 和菓子教室 「ワガシサロン イッショウ」 開催。茶道裏千家 専任講師